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Keyboard shortcut summary.
Here is a summary of all of the keyboard shortcuts available for Cadenza
Keyboard shortcuts
p = play the audio from the current position
q = stop the playback
f = select the marker to the right of the current position
b = select the marker to the left of the current position
(F and B will move forward and backward in bigger increments)
r = adjust marker one column right
l = adjust marker one column left
(R and L will adjust the note markers in bigger increments)
e = move current note to the place where you stopped playing the audio
u = unmark a solo note you have adjusted
control-e = treat the current note as the last note of the excerpt.
The "e" option is useful when you are trying to correct the note markers and have identifed a note you want to adjust
through listening. In this case "e" moves you to the place at which your playback stopped.
The "u" option is useful when you have incorrectly adjusted a note or are unsure about its position. This way
it won't be considered by "Realign Solo Markers."
The control-e option is occasionally useful when you stop a reherasal before completion and Cadenza must decide which
notes you played and which you did not. If the program adds a few extra notes that you didn't play (or didn't play
like you wanted to) this option removes them from consideration in future marking and training.